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Something that was in the back of my mind today because I was speaking to someone and they are growing a lot at one time. But I thought they should know, Growing hurts because change isn’t easy, but nothing is more painful and hurts than being stuck in the same spot you don’t belong! No matter how uncomfortable you are in changing, during the process of being uncomfortable and evolving, you’ll find out where you belong. Being uncomfortable also opens up opportunities and success, rather that’s financial, personal, emotional, mental and or spiritual success. You just have to be willing to step out those comfortable places you are in. I was also trying to really get this person to understand the essence of manifesting things, not just in the simple state of mind of who you want to be in your current body but also the outside. It’s like you becoming your own Angel. I was just going over things like, their spirit, energies frequencies and vibrations… I also went over The Law of Resonance and Attraction. I really tried to summarize a lot. I wish I got the message out a little bit clearer during the small conversation we had. During the end I really just tried to end it on the essence of controlling our own lives.

I tried giving visions of living outside our bodies and controlling our lives exactly how we see it. And in a weird way through my perception, it makes you a lot less uncomfortable when you see things from a different perspective outside of first person and in third person instead.

Long story short, change is uncomfortable, but imagine all the things you wouldn’t have tried or discovered about yourself if you didn’t make yourself uncomfortable. Just think it through and manifest. And once you are consistent in making yourself uncomfortable being uncomfortable will be comfortable to you. And so much more things will start coming into your life. I promise putting yourself in uncomfortable or unknown situations a lot more possibilities and opportunities is going to happen.

“The Mind of Lorenzo”