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Dead Flowers Version 2-

Everyday That Rose grew, beauty became visible to the eyes of society. But the Rose needed the seed to be so beautiful. That Rose wouldn't be so gorgeous if The Rose didn't trust the seed for the strength to survive. Even on the most driest and rainiest days and nights; That Rose and seed never parted through all the seasons. Beauty wasn't there at first but the patience for everything to blossom was key. Just another Rose that grew from concrete. Until that season of romance came around and someone needed That Rose; for the love of another. The moment The Rose separated, the tears drizzled. But The Rose understood the appreciation of the seed and its soul. The Rose seen the couple smile with beauty and realized it will die with the death of beauty only ready to be reborn and seen again.  All love is, are flowers. My World has been created; I stand alone today only to grow more Roses. My Roses are Roses I love to water and gracefully smell. Roses; I love to sit back, relax and realize your beauty through the concrete. For My Roses I will build a sanctuary around you, just to help your pedals stay beautiful and red. I will not let My Roses ever go unwatered. My tears of Joy and Sorrow will water you all; Your names will be "The Rose that grew from Concrete". If I am The Rose That Grew from Concrete; who am I now? I am God, Jesus and Spoken Spirit. In these names I speak is what today's generation knows by concept of higher power. So, in all, I am all high power in My World. In My World you will be That Dead Flower and ready to go create your own world; only to be what I am today, all high power! I am God, Jesus and Spoken Spirit! Earth is no longer the name in which the world I live in but now the name shall be "Concrete Rose". May 3rd, 2015 is the official day of creation and helping more Roses grow. My Roses will live for the 12 Jewels; Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Freedom, Justice, Equality, Food, Clothing,Shelter, Love, Peace and happiness. I will be The Wind, The Water, The Seed, The Sun, The Concrete and all. All souls are Welcome to the "Concrete Rose".

"The Mind of Lorenzo"

Everything that has a beginning has an end"