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Ego and Pride Small Talk-

Your pride and ego is only a manifestation of negative energy and events they can take place in your life because of who you believe you are; as well as what will get you pass the insecurities and truth of yourself. Egos most the time is a cause of conflict. Pride is something that you stand for and will not bow down for. Love is all about sacrifice which is something you have to bow down for,  rather it’s for a relationship or for the of love yourself. Would you believe what Marquis De Sade said? “Love is stronger then pride.” Well he is correct in my eyes. If you have experienced true love you understand just how strong love is and how weak you are because of your pride, well then you understand and agree. Someone’s pride can be their biggest flaw. Majority of the time people who are stuck in their ego and pride only need the attention, love and trust to let go of that ego and pride. Don’t ever forget ego and pride is only a shield to cover up whatever that person is hiding. If you are trapped in your ego and pride there is always going be somebody doing better than you. All you are doing is slowing yourself down from new and different experiences because you’re use to blocking things off. Most the time our ego and pride is taught from our childhood, past relationships, friendships, family, life events and struggles. A few ways to catch yourself holding up your shield (Ego and Pride),

Is when you’re always trying to redirect things back to your attention and make it all about you… is when all you ever do is demand respect and credit for something that you did and If you’re always comparing yourself to other people. Those are just a few things to keep your eyes on. Simple but easy to correct when you notice it. Another way check to yourself and humble yourself is to always look over your seven deadly sins. I’m not going to say you have to completely make your pride and ego disappear. You just have to learn how to balance it in your life. For a example I am athlete and a man that likes to carry myself in a certain persona when it comes to business and my job as a leader. When it comes to me being a athlete I do use my ego and pride to motor myself in success. When it comes to my business and job I do have to hold myself a certain way to other people in order to let them know I am a leader and I do not stand down for my business. But like I said speaking about balance, for business you have to learn to balance because if you keep your ego and pride there, it only keeps you in one position. You have to be willing to open up new experiences that can elevate your business and same thing as an athlete... wanting to get better, wanting to back up your talk and attitude when you play. Just wanting to be the greatest at the sport you love. And not forgetting love is all about sacrifice and you must sacrifice your pride and ego for what you love to be the best at what you love and who you love . 

“Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, something is out of tune.“

What if I told you your ego and pride can’t get you into “heaven gates”? Food for thought to end it. 

“The Mind of Lorenzo”